2nd Leg of mackerel survey completed!
After a 1-week weather delay, Leg 2 of the mackerel egg and larval survey off the Northeast coast of Newfoundland has successfully been...
Cod in the news!
Dominique was cited in an in-depth article published in La Presse today about the status of Northwest Atlantic cod stocks
Satellite tag recovered on juvenile Atlantic halibut!
We are happy to report that a satellite tag was recovered by Mr. Trent White, harvester from Rocky Harbour, NL. High resolution data from...
News from the 39th Annual Larval Fish Conference
MSc student Carissa Currie presented her work on the feeding ecology of larval Atlantic herring at the 39th Annual Larval Fish...
CFER Mackerel egg and larval survey under way!
CFER research scientists and students have teamed up with DFO scientists and FFAW staff to successfully complete a first survey in White...